Our clinic

Ragazza svolge esercizi posturali al macchinario pulley machine con l' ausilio di una fisioterapista nella palestra di STUDIOFISIO

We wanted to create a refined, familiar and welcoming environment, where people can feel at ease, starting from the secretariat with our receptionists who welcome, inform and help our users with a smile and availability.

Corridoio principale di STUDIOFISIO corredato con laser, ultrasuoni, t.e.c.a.r. e onde d' urto

The spaces were specially set up by an architect specializing in lighting and two color designers, an architect and a psychologist.

Fisioterapista esegue trattamento manuale alla schiena a una ragazza sul lettino

The studio is spread over two floors, the upper one equipped with an outpatient clinic and rooms for physiotherapy treatments, equipped with electric beds and modern electro-medical equipment, spaces specifically organized for manual therapy.

Ragazza svolge esercizi fisioterapici con macchinario nella palestra di STUDIOFISIO

The lower floor, on the other hand, is entirely occupied by the gym, super-equipped and equipped with machinery for postural and strength assessments, or even for therapeutic exercise, such as the frei pulley machines and the desmo-tech touch screen platform.

Video-conferenza con il supporto del maxischermo

Another element of uniqueness and novelty is the presence of a large screen for possible video supports during the session and video-conferences.

Ragazza svolge un esercizio posturale per la spalla alla pulley machine con l' aiuto di una fisioterapista nella palestra di STUDIOFISIO

Activities carried out mainly in the gym should be emphasized, such as the assessment and treatment of scoliosis and posture dysfunctions.